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Parallel operation with up to 9 units only available for Axpert MKS 3KP/4KVA/5KVA*.Battery equalization for optimized battery performance and lifecycle.Compatible to mains voltage or generator power.Configurable AC/Solar input priority via LCD setting.Selectable charging current based on applications.Selectable input voltage range for home appliances and personal computers.Built-in battery equalization function to extend battery life cycle.Output power factor 1 (only 0.8 for 3KP/5KP Models).Besides, it's worry-free to start up motor-type loads such as refrigerators, motors, pumps, compressors and laser printers as well as electronic loads like TVs, Computers, power tool and battery chargers. Transformerless design provides reliable power conversion in compact size. Please also report settings 26 and 27 (bulk/absorb and float voltage settings).Axpert MKS is equipped with MPPT solar charge controller to maximize and regulate DC power from the solar array for charging the battery bank. Though I'd expect the inverter to also have a fit if that happens. The Solar Charge Controller notices that the battery can't take any charge current, and shuts off. The inverter starts charging at up to 60 A, although your panels will only allow some 40 A under ideal conditions and perhaps 30 A most of the time) and some time after 25 A the battery disconnects because of the over-charging. This could be your problem, although it seems unlikely. If you run two, you can use 50 A maximum total charge current (25 A per battery).

You really should be running 2-4 PylonTechs in parallel, so that you can get more of the available power from your inverter (each 2.4 kWh PylonTech prefers a maximum of about 1200 W load). So you should use 20 or perhaps 30 A for setting 02 (Maximum charging current). They like to be charged (and discharged) at a maximum of C/2, which is only about 25 A. That's too high for a single PylonTech 2.4 kWh.