In the main interface, click on the gray Config button to specify the area and filters for him to use. It can be powered through its energy slot (see GUI below) or by one of its three energy ports (indicated by a green square), which are situated on the sides and bottom. This is an NEI limitation that affects all items with NBT data.To begin, the Digital Miner needs a source of power. Seeing all bees, saplings, serums, pollen in NEI search requires NEI and CCC installed on the server.AE2 Cell Workbench drag&drop support requires NEI Addons to be installed on the server.It will also be more reliable and less prone to lag-related glitches. If you have this mod installed on the server, special crafting tables (Forestry Worktable, ME Pattern Encoder, etc.) can set the recipe with shift+click even if you don’t have the items on you.Most of the features of this mod are client side and don’t need any support from the server, with a few exceptions: NEI Integration is not required but highly recommended.AE, EE3 and Forestry are optional, if any of them aren’t installed the related addon will be silently ignored.Not Enough Items and CodeChicken Core (Optional on servers, see below).Andrew2448’s addon for MachineMuse’s Modular Powersuits In-Place Assembler.Various crafting tables – adds button support for alternate crafting tables from many mods.Cell Workbench can be configured by dragging items from NEI.If WAILA is installed, adds detailed overlay for most blocks.Can set the recipe even if you don’t have the items on you.button support for the Computer Controlled Crafter.Adds all bees, combs, saplings and pollen types to NEI search.Supports bees added by other mods (Thaumic Bees, Extra Bees, etc.).Can show special mutation requirements (biome, temperature, etc.).Bee breeding and products as recipes (optionally includes secret mutations too).