(I only need the special version from the AUG but that is not important for me). But is not "Suspicious behavor" use 20 granades, molotovs or fire a Ligthning Hawk witouth reload.Originally posted by A.R.G:Really a mod? on 60 hrs of Raid mode i got all the weapons on lvl 50 and special tag with 4-6 slots parts, isnt too hard. You will be removed from the match soon", then 5 min penalty, same if you leave the match. Of course if you are playing with a cheater against on in your team if you try to avoid him or stop him to pass to the nest area "Suspicious behavor detected.

Infinite ammo, infinite health, granades, etc Just on RE Resistance 75% of players hare hacking the game to win. If i use cheats i should get a good position not the third place.Īnyway how i said before CAPCOM defend a lot the cheaters.

On my case rarely i was on 2nd position but for a few hours after that i was on third place. And the second place has 49minutes solo and coop 45 it dosent make any sense how the fisrt player end with 30 minutes and the second player is struggling to get down from 49 minutes. Can you see the ilogic part here? How ♥♥♥♥ that player end 1st solo on 30 minutes but coop end with 45. If i use cheat engine i should get RANK 1 most of the time, but i was always Rank 3-5 not so low as first place with an unbeatable time (like the people who in solo on events like WS they end it on 30 minutes, yeah sure how hell not. Im still getting rank but using a "glitch" from RE.NET RE REV2 was from one day to other without reasson. On RE REV 2 im banned and it suppouse the ban is on the general acount but im still able to get rank on RE REV and RE6. I think I get banned and treat the account for any re games cause I get no rank for re6 event but I get banned because rev2 but they don't know if you use cheat engine if you don't do something extremely unimpossible thing cause they will notice easily I did onceītw they just banned didn't send anything to let me know and how to solve can you show the email? Idk. Go to resistance, they give penalty to random players instead to give penalty to lagswitchears and leaver players. Also they only ban me on RE Rev 2 the rest of games still sending and going on events. Originally posted by A.R.G:I can show you the email capcom send me.